Friday, January 16, 2009

Only a Life Lived for Others is a Life Worthwhile

Life is but a journey with a purpose. The whole meaning of it is to give it a meaning. Despite the importance of purpose, many of us are still floundering, drifting in an unknown direction. I wonder why... Maybe we're dismayed by our own fear. We're afraid to define a purpose because we might just fail to live by it. To avoid failure, we avoid having a purpose altogether. But that only makes as much sense as an ostrich "hiding" from its enemies by burying its head in the sand. If we don't stand for something, we may fall for anything. What is the purpose of living if we don't have something to live for?

Those who lead empty lives sometimes turn to bigotry and hatred for solace. So we need to be careful to choose a purpose that will help us to grow, help our potential unfold, and help us transcend our present limitations. God has created us far more superior than any other of his creations. It will only do justice if our purpose is equally as superior. Since we are only as strong as our purpose, it should be courageous and uplifting.

A life with purpose is not without effort. Toil, pain, and sweat are the birthplace of greatness. I believe in making my brief visit to this world worthwhile, in making a difference, be it small or vast. And to make that difference, I believe in bringing goodness into the lives of others. To do good even in the absence of rewards...


Anonymous said...

Awesome Bro! just awesome

Irfan Shai said...

wow! thank u anonymous...